npm install

NPM (Node Packaged Modules) 是 Node.js 裡很好用的模組安裝工具。從 npm 1.0 開始,有兩個方式來安裝模組。

  1. 全域安裝,通常會把模組安裝在 /usr/local/lib/node_modules 的位置。

    $ npm install -g express
    1. 專案資料夾內的安裝, bash $ npm install express

如何決定要用什麼方式來安裝呢。Node.js 提供了以下的原則:

  1. 如果你要安裝的模組是用在專案中,以 require(‘whatever’) 的方式來引用。那麼就在專案的資料夾安裝
  2. 如果你安裝的模組是要在 shell 裡使用的,那麼就用全域安裝。

不過,有些模組你既需要在專案中 require 它,也需要在 shell 中執行它所附加的小工具。像是常用的Coffee-scriptExpress。 那該怎麼做比較好呢。我建議你在全域還有專案資料夾內各安裝一份,這樣子很簡單也容易維護。

P.S. 你可以用 npm -v 來確定自己的 npm 是否為1.0 以上的版本。

Ref: npm 1.0: Global vs Local installation

Code School 現在可以啟用兩天完全免費的課程 Code School - Hall Pass

目前他們的商業模式是少部份課程免費,其餘課程要成為收費會員才能上課,1個月 25 美元。 大多是 Web development 相關,課程的品質很好,對初學者很好上手,有興趣的人可以試一試。

前幾天剛好有虛擬機器的需要,所以上 DigitalOcean 開了一台最便宜的來試試。

架設 Server 十分容易,方案選一下,信用卡開下去就有了。 設備:512MB Memory, 1 Core, 20GB SSD Disk, 1TB Transfer

我選在 New York 的 Data Center,從台灣連過去的 Latency 大約是230ms。差強人意,但以我的用途可接受。 使用12小時花了 $0.09 美元,實在是非常划算。

後來因為用不到了,所以把機器做了個 Snapshot,然後就把機器刪除了。 這樣就不會產生任何花費。等到以後需要再從 Snapshot 重新建一台 Server 回來用就好。

能夠以使用時數計費,還有價格相對於 Linode 便宜,是我選擇 DigitalOcean 的原因。

Ref[1]: DigitalOcean 與 Linode 的比較…

Ref[2]: Linode vs DigitalOcean, performance benchmarks

利用 Boost Unit Test Framework,可以方便的進行單元測試。 而在 UVa Online Judge 的練習中,我們也可以導入 Boost Unit Test Framework 來對我們寫的 function 進行測試。 不過 UVa Online Judge 的編譯環境是不支援 Boost 的,但在編譯時,它會給一個特別的編譯參數 -DONLINE_JUDGE。 所以我們可以利用Uva 這個特有的編譯參數,在導入 Boost Unit Test Framework 時,又不會發生Compiler Error.


$ g++ 530.cpp -lboost_unit_test_framework
$ ./a.out 
Running 2 test cases...

*** No errors detected


$ g++ 530.cpp -DONLINE_JUDGE
$ ./a.out <input.txt


// Name        : 530.cpp
// Author      :
// Version     :
// Copyright   : copyright notice

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

long long combinations(long long int n, long long int k) {
	long long int ans = 1;
	if (k > n - k) {
		k = n - k;

	for (long long int idx = 1; idx <= k; idx++) {
		ans *= (n - idx + 1);
		ans = ans / idx;
	return ans;

int main() {
	long long int n, k;
	while (cin >> n >> k) {
		if (n == 0 && k == 0) {

		cout << combinations(n, k) << endl;
	return 0;

	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(0, 0) == 1);
	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(2, 2) == 1);
	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(2, 1) == 2);
	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(4, 2) == 6);
	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(6, 3) == 20);
	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(10, 5) == 252);

	BOOST_CHECK(combinations(49, 6) == 13983816);


RIP, Google Reader

今天 Google 宣布了 Google Reader 將於 2013/7/1 結束運作。

另一個 RSS 訂閱服務 Feedly 則馬上做出了回應, Feedly 這項服務提供 Google Reader 使用者連結自己所訂閱的 RSS, 並以 Feedly 較為活潑清爽的版面來進行閱讀。 於 Feedly 上連結 Google Reader 的使用者,將可以在 2013/7/1 後,無痛延續閱讀自己訂閱的 RSS 來源.

就我先前的經驗來說,Feedly是個有趣的閱讀介面, 雖然我比較喜歡簡單的閱讀介面,所以還是維持使用 Google Reader, 不過既然現在 Feedly 提供這樣的服務(事實上提供Google Reader的連結訂閱,一直是Feedly的主力服務), 我想就開始使用看看吧。

有興趣的人可以到: Feedly

1. A second spring of cleaning
2. Powering Down Google Reader
3. Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly

今天讀到的文章 Using Valgrind to debug memory leaks {% codeblock lang:c %} #include #include #include

char *lower;

char *to_lower (const char *str) { char *l = strdup (str); char *c;

for (c = l; *c; c++) {
    if (isupper(*c))
        *c = tolower(*c);

return l;


int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { lower = to_lower (argv[1]);

while (*lower)
    putchar (*(lower++));
puts ("");

return 0;

} {% endcodeblock %}

輸出訊息 {% codeblock %} ==28578== 5 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 1 of 1 ==28578== at 0x4025D2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:207) ==28578== by 0x40D805F: strdup (in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ ==28578== by 0x8048504: to_lower (test2.c:9) ==28578== by 0x804857F: main (test2.c:22) {% endcodeblock %}

This time memory is possibly lost. Why it’s not sure? Because at the program exit time we didn’t completely lost the pointer to the allocated memory, we’ve only advanced it to print the lower string in a funny way. It’s theoretically possible that we have a variable, a counter that tells us how much we’ve advanced, so we could compute the pointer to the memory to free it.

文章還提到了 Valgrind In practice. 很值得一看

At the beginning of using Valgrind to debug my programs I used to think this way: It’s just an automatic, dumb tool that tracks memory allocations and can be wrong. I looked at the code and there can be no memory leak at this point, it’s one of the cases when Valgrind is wrong.. But I was wrong! After years of using it I can see that 99,9% of it’s messages are right but it’s often hard to see it in the code.

One real world case was when I was writing a multi-threaded program that used libmysqlclient library and valgrind showed memory leaks in mysql_real_connect()/mysql_init(). It’s clear from documentation that the memory allocated by the library when using those functions should be freed by mysql_close(). From the code it was clear that I do it properly: every created connection was closed. I even added a counter to the places when I create connection and destroy it and saw all connections were destroyed. I started to think that there is a memory leak in the libmysqlclient_r library (a thread-safe version) but when I separated the code (wrote a simple program that allocates conenctions and free them) Valgrind showed no errors. So there are no leaks in the library. If I had less believe in Valgrind I would give up at this moment, but I knew it’s right. As I found out there is a special requirement by libmysqlclient_r, I just didn’t read the documentation. If you are creating MYSQL objects in different threads the library automatically allocates per-thread global data, but to free them you must use mysql_thread_end(). It’s not done

Octopress 的第一篇文章,簡單介紹 Valgrind - 檢查程式記憶體的小工具

前陣子我對 project 進行 Debug 其中有一些 runtime error, 包含 memory leak

我使用 Valgrind 來檢查 Memory Leak

小範例,由 Valgrind 找出 test.cpp 第8行的 Bug ( Invalid read )

{% codeblock lang:cpp %} #include #include using namespace std ;

int main() { vector array(1024); cout << array[1024] << endl ; return 0; } {% endcodeblock %}

$g++ -g test.cpp $valgrind ./a.out

輸出訊息 {% codeblock %} ==9247== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==9247== Copyright © 2002-2011, and GNU GPL’d, by Julian Seward et al. ==9247== Using Valgrind-3.7.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==9247== Command: ./a.out ==9247== ==9247== Invalid read of size 8 ==9247== at 0x80487C4: main (test.cpp:8) ==9247== Address 0x4336028 is 0 bytes after a block of size 8,192 alloc’d ==9247== at 0x402B9B4: operator new(unsigned int) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/ ==9247== by 0x8048BD1: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate(unsigned int, void const*) (new_allocator.h:92) ==9247== by 0x8048B1D: std::_Vector_base >::_M_allocate(unsigned int) (in /home/stanleyhsiao/a.out) ==9247== by 0x80489BC: std::_Vector_base >::_Vector_base(unsigned int, std::allocator const&) (stl_vector.h:123) ==9247== by 0x80488D1: std::vector >::vector(unsigned int, double const&, std::allocator const&) (stl_vector.h:265) ==9247== by 0x80487A3: main (test.cpp:7) ==9247== 0 ==9247== ==9247== HEAP SUMMARY: ==9247== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==9247== total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 8,192 bytes allocated ==9247== ==9247== All heap blocks were freed – no leaks are possible ==9247== ==9247== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==9247== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) {% endcodeblock %}