在 Archlinux 上啟動Avahi-daemon


這篇回覆介紹了如何在 Archlinux 上使用 systemd 來開啟 avahi-daemon,使得區域網路內的電腦可以用 .local 來連線到其它電腦。

  1. pacman -S avahi nss-mdns Installs the Avahi services daemon and the Multicast DNS resolver. nano /etc/nsswitch.conf This file tells the C library how to obtain name-service information.
  2. Change the line hosts: files dns myhostname to hosts: files mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname, save and exit.
  3. systemctl start avahi-daemon Starts the Avahi service manually since we’re already booted.look for errors)
  4. systemctl enable avahi-daemon Enables the Avahi service on boot.

How do I get to use .local hostnames with Arch Linux?