An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field


Brendan Gregg,是一位 Computer performance analyst,前幾個月很有名的那張 Linux Performance Observability Tools 就是他作的。(Linux Performance Tools at LinuxCon North America 2014)

今天在網路上看到他的書裡的一段話,滿受到激勵的。資訊技術發展到現在已是博大精深,每個系統深入下去了解都有很大的學問,學習的過程難免遇到挫折、犯錯,但這些累積,就是成為專家的過程。 >For a beginner, feeling lost when you’re studying a performance issue can be discouraging. This feeling, too, is normal: you will feel lost, you will make mistakes, and you will often be wrong. Quoting Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist: An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. By telling you stories like this one, I hope to reassure you that mistakes and wrong turns are normal (even for the best of us) and to show you some techniques and methodologies to help you find your way.” > >Brendan,Gregg. “Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud.” Pearson Education, 2013-10-07。